Saturday, families sit together and watch the news. The headlines were blazing bright red saying terrorism and bombings, yet they were unaware of the fact that there is still people without electricity or heroes uncelebrated.
The news, providing information to the world about the place that they are living in yet the awareness levels for brewing problems is still low. In the news nowadays we normally see a lot of terrorist news and a lot about attacks, but not a lot about problems that actually haven’t been solved since they began a long time ago or smaller stories that matter to some. Part of the reason that the media is not facing these is because people tend not to want to know about this kind of thing and want to learn only the major news. This leads to a major issue of low awareness which could improve if the media or social media had more information about smaller stories.
Recently there had been a lot of news about isis and the plane shot down, but there are also greater things like Akon providing electricity for places in Africa and from research a huge percentage of people had no idea that had happened and were not aware of the fact that there are still some place in the world living without electricity . The bombings in France were tragic but it could have been a lot worse. On that day a hero stepped up, but was ignored, a Muslim security guard named Zouheir stopped the bomber from entering and reduced the death toll to just himself. If the public had been aware of this maybe the problem of stereotypes could have been helped since people have been categorising Muslims as terrorists because they were born there, this time the Muslim was the hero and yet no one knows about him“,I would like to learn smaller news other than the big headlines,”said an anonymous interviewee.
Media not only can create awareness, but it can also create ignorance and especially social media. Everyday, people use social media to show what they are doing, but getting too attached to their phone. When people post they usually ignore what is around them and by using social media they are essentially blocking out real life and being ignorant to their surroundings. Fast food restaurants are showing that people tend to be ignorant about what they don’t want to know. Fast and cheap, but unhealthy yet everyone still goes. People tend not to think about their future, but look at the present harms and effects only even when knowing that fast food causes obesity, diabetes and so on. Even in getting a job or education people tend to only get people that have good grades or sports, but forget that there are people who want to learn out there and people who work hard that might deserve more of a chance or opportunity to get to learn.
Awareness is a problem that can be solved if the media or social media could give a bit more information or story to things that are smaller in scale, but matter a lot. Ignorance about facts would not be a common thing and a lot of issues would be solved just by raising the awareness.
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