Sunday, December 6, 2015


Problem with sibling relationships - Are your sibling relationships healthy or unhealthy? 

Having an older sibling is good because you have someone to look up to even if you have your parents, but is it true?

Just imagine twins. Usually people believe that twin are best friends, right? But usually, people, even parents like one twin better than the other. Are the twins trying to steal each other’s spotlight? Yes. Are the twins trying to get people’s attention? Yes. They fight with each other to get people’s attention, and fight to get love from BOTH of the parents instead of one.

It is natural for sibling to fight. It is pretty hard to find siblings that get along with each other. Parents usually have the hardest time trying to get their children to get along with each other. It is not the chores, it is not the shopping, but it is their children. 

Sibling conflict usually happen because of parents, like it is a divorce, or your mum have a not so brilliant idea of having you to chose with your own seat in the dining table, and you and your sibling fight for the seat that is closest to the TV? Small arguments like this can drift sibling apart. Siblings with divorced parents relatively are closer to each other, because they rely on each other to survive through a single parent, while that parent is at work, the children will take care of each other, help each other when needed.

“We only argue about the most randomest things like who gets the last piece of chips or who is the best.” Ella, an eighth grader, agrees.

What about the people who are an only child? They usually have more friends and they tend to trust their friends more than the people with siblings. They have more trust on other people then their family members. The good thing about being a single child is that you do not have to fight for seats, the last piece of pizza, for anything.

They why are sibling relationships important you ask?

Sibling relationships are important because:

1. Friends might come and go, but you will have siblings will stick with you for your entire life. This relationships is one of your longest relationships that people have experienced.

2:Siblings have the same genes, the same interest, grown in the same environment. Siblings might be different, but you generally have the same interest, the same ideas, same hobbies etc. just because you share a house, perhaps sharing a room, even sharing the same food maybe. They know that they will always have each other, and that bond them together even more when they are together.
3. A support from an older sibling can drive academic achievement. The older sibling helps with work, while the younger sibling copies the older one, and the older sibling can give advice of what is good or not like which classes to take etc.

So how close is your sibling to you?

According to with a survey with 7,730 americans, only 30% will call their sibling for an emergency, and over 60% said that their sibling was one of their best friends.

Bonding with your sibling is really important, even if their parents treat them differently, your sibling is one of the most important people in the world. People tend to bond with their sibling more than bonding with their parents. Are you close to your sibling?

By: Lydia

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